The Importance of Family Time

We wish to give a cordial welcome to all of our friends and acquaintances to the new “Rescue” series. On this occasion, we would like to present a new “Rescue” series that is dedicated to the family. It is titled “The Importance of Family Time”.
The family is the first cell of society. It is an important pillar that contributes to human’s happiness and the foundation of a healthy community. To live happily and peacefully, we need a strong and firm family. It’s time to invest and rescue the family.

Share this series that contain the following topics:
The titles of the conferences will be:
1. Time to Enrich our Marriage-with the contribution of speaker Ciro Abraham Arévalo Paz from the United States.
2. Time for Effective Communication in the Family – with the contribution of Speaker Adalicio Fontes from Portugal, who is also the main coordinator of this series of topics on family issues.
3. Time for God and His word – with the contribution of Speaker Pablo Hunger from the United States.