The desire of every young person is to triumph in life, to achieve emotional and financial stability; to feel loved and accepted; to have an enjoyable profession; to find the ideal spouse, start a family and be happy. However, to achieve this, certain decisions need to be made.

The Poet Amado Nervo wrote in his poem “At Peace”:

“Because I see at the end of my rough way 

that I was the architect of my own destiny 

and if I extracted the sweetness or the bitterness of things 

it was because I put the sweetness or the bitterness in them 

when I planted rose bushes I always harvested roses.” 

Ten Characteristics of a Triumphant Young Person 

“A triumphant young person has purpose, is noble and active; he can climb to high places and triumph in life!”

1. Inspired by an ideal. Has a special motivation. “Has a reason to live”. His motto is to serve. He is useful in his community. He leaves footprints behind.

2. Willing to work and make an effort. 

• Had good time management

• Makes an effort

• Makes all possible preparations

• Does not give up

• Menial work does not exist for him

• Is pro-active

• Physical restraints are not an obstacle

3. Has good moral and ethical principles. 

• A young person who is honorable, capable and worthy of trust will triumph

• If he is punctual, diligent and responsible, he will avoid problems

• Has firm convictions and does not go on crooked paths

4. Asks for council from those who are experienced, especially his parents. 

5. Is willing to recognize his faults and skillfully correct them. 

6. Has no hate and knows when to say “sorry” 

7. Always carries a smile. 

8. Is humble, kind and courteous. 

9. His eyes and ears are open for learning. Knows a little of everything yet specializes well in one thing.

10. God is a part of his life. 

“When you point the visionary bow (of a boat) toward a star and fix the wing to the untouchable sublimeness, determined to perfection and rebelling to mediocrity, you carry in you the mysterious spring of a great ideal, It is a sacred ascetic, able to temper you for great actions”. 

Jose Ingenieros 

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men –men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall”. 

Ellen G. White

When the time comes to make a commitment of love, consider the character of the young man or woman of interest and not just their physical appearance. The wise King Solomon says in Proverbs 31:30: “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised”. 

A certain writer once made this suggestion to a young man who desired to marry : “ If you have your eye on a certain lady, try to watch how she peels potatoes when she is in the kitchen. If she peels the skin too thick, she is wasteful. If she leaves the eyes, she is lazy; if she only washes the potatoes once, she is superficial; if she lets them burn, she is negligent. Do not marry her, because she will never make you happy”. This is a humoristic comparison but it shows how important it is to observe the qualities of character of the person whom you desire to unite the rest of your life with.

Before making a definite decision, ask your parents for counsel and God for wisdom. If you allow yourself to be directed by Him, then He will guide you towards success and you will enjoy happiness.

Courtship is a wonderful time in life; a time of illusion and disillusions, of dreams, defeats and victories. A time of anxious and hopeful feelings like no other.

These feelings begin to emerge in the heart from adolescence. Youth is a time of life for important decision making. Yet, so many fail! Is this not the case? There are many couples who made hasty or impulsive decisions! The fact that there is an alarmingly high divorce rate, (more than one of three), should be a reason why we must be careful when making this important decision.

Ask yourself: Can my boyfriend understand and respect me always? Can my girlfriend be a good wife, mother and companion? Is he or she capable of helping me spiritually, practically and financially? Does my boyfriend have financial security in his job and is he a hard worker? How does he treat his mother? The saying goes “the way a man treats his mother is the way he will treat his wife”. Does he or she love children and animals? Does he or she know how to forgive or are they resentful?

Do not rush, there should be some steps to take before marriage in order to get to know each other better: friendship, dating and courtship.

Maybe you have an inferiority or superiority complex. Maybe you have low self-esteem which disturbs your personality. Maybe you have conflicts with your parents or you feel pressured by friends to experiment vices that will destroy your health. Or maybe you simply just want to be a triumphant youth.

Seek help. We offer counsel and more information on our website. You can also write to us at the address found on this brochure.


Every young person desires to find an adequate answer to the questions they ask. Many are not satisfied with the patterns of life imposed on them. They desire to make their own decisions, and with good reason, for they must live with them. The three principle questions are:

What shall I do with God? 

What shall I do with my life? 

Who will be my life-long companion? 

Choosing a right career is important. However, it is important to not only think about the money you can make, but, also how you can serve God and your fellow men. Will you feel useful, satisfied and happy? If you do not want to make a mistake regarding this decision and also that of marriage, you must first allow God to direct your life and to guide you with His loving hand.

Yes, the first question, WHAT SHALL I DO WITH GOD? Is a very important one.

We live in a time of skepticism and materialism. Many colleges and universities teach that man come from apes or some other inferior being. The Bible mentions that God created man. There IS no reason to doubt because extraordinary evidences do exist. True science and the Bible go hand in hand.

God is in the conscience of every human being. No person has existed who has not desired to worship God in some way or form. He has revealed Himself to man in multiples ways and today He desires, above all else, to reveal Himself to you in your life; to give you an abundance of love and happiness.

God says: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say ‘I find no pleasure in them’” Ecclesiastes 12:1 (NIV). If you allow God to enter your life, you may ask Him for a companion who will truly make you happy.

Therefore, What shall I do with God? This Is the first question you must answer. God reveals Himself through the Bible. This book, with its 2300 prophecies, opens a wonderful panorama of the world´s past, present and future. It gives valuable counsels for young people and families. The Bible answers the greatest questions of life: where do we come from? Where are we going? What is the purpose of our existence? It introduces a Friend who will never let you down; a Friend who loves you till your death; sacrificing Himself for you. You will be blessed by getting to know Him; His name is Jesus. Request The Research Biblical Guide “At the Feet of Jesus”. Send your name and address and you will receive the course at no cost.